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June 2019 - Getting to the target

Writer's picture: Henri CaronHenri Caron

Hi all,

Again three months have passed since I last rebalanced my portfolio last week. I managed to maintain my risk level at an intended 4 out of 7, which means medium risk, while still achieving good returns. Albeit that the market now is far more volatile due to the geopolitical tensions, it is volatile both in the positive and negative directions. As such, especially as a new copier you might see stronger spikes when you start copying me. But just as before, I still maintain a long term strategy, strongly focussing on sector trends based on socio-technological evolutions. As a result, strong spikes get flattened out, and the overall performance steadily increases month over month. This results in quite consistent month-over-month returns for the past 2,5 years, as such keeping my risk level low.

After having run my optimisation method, I have decided to close my positions and open new ones. Some of the strongest winners were Waste Management (27,56% in 6 months), Aurora Cannabis (+25,5% in 6 months), %FLT (17,22% in 3 months), AMD (+13,72% in 3 months), Zynga (12,38% in 3 months), Gamesa (13,08% in 3 months) and Visa (13,26% in 3 months). Definitely the strongest winner was Beyond Meat with a crazy +68,82% in just one month time! Sadly I had to incur some important losses such as FireEye, Nokia, Indra Systems and Checkpoint Securities. Nonetheless, with all profit and losses taken into account, with approximately 25% return YTD, I’m well underway to reach my annual target of 45%.

I have strengthened some positions such as Cronos, CyberArk and MaxLinear and many others, but besides I have opened some promising positions on Avnet, Qualcom, Lam Research and Nintendo. All of those mainly because I strongly believe that the sectors in which these companies operate, will further benefit strong growth and continue to set good market returns. Although I aim to have a good performance on a yearly basis, above all, my goal is to maintain my risk level at a maximum of 4 by maintaining a properly balanced portfolio.

Don’t hesitate to visit my blog, or reply this post with your questions.

Kind regards,

Your investor

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